The Nickels and Pennies Scarf is finished and ready for a few fall motorcycle rides.
No long trip this year as last. *sigh*
I was hoping for a scenic tour of Kentucky.
I was hoping for a scenic tour of Kentucky.
The canceled vacation week did give me opportunity to attend a full day workshop with Gudrun Johnson of The Shetland Trader.
So much learned.
I thought I knew a thing or two about knitting lace. Always room to improve.
The workshop's purpose was to learn the technique of working a lace pattern on both sides of the fabric, thereby making it completely reversible.
Never you mind all the mistakes...this was just a sampler swatch to learn by, not a project piece. |
Gudrun is in the planning stages of hosting a workshop and tour in Shetland next summer.
Fiber Arts Tourism.
How clever.
I do believe I need to look into this concept a bit more.
Sharing with Fiber Arts Friday