Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wagons, Ho!

We took a bike(cycle) ride along the Greenbrier River Trail and met a lady...

Such a cool fence line on the old railroad bridge

...we had previously seen on a horse with several other riders, now riding a bicycle.

She looked a bit frazzled and asked us if we had seen her covered wagons. 
She had lost them.

We spent some time talking to her. 
Making sure she wasn't suffering from some sort of heat stoke, or had had a fill from a secret flask that may have been hidden in one of her saddle bags.

She eventually decided to return to her riding companions and we assured her that if we found her lost wagons we would look for her on our journey back down the trail.

So on we went with a bit of a chuckle under our breaths and crossed the bridge to a scary black tunnel.

We got back on the bikes and ventured in a ways.
THEN...we heard it!

Clippity clack. Clankity clomp.

Turning quickly around and back out the tunnel, we waited.
And then they began to emerge.

Two covered wagons carrying all the provisions for a three day Equitrek.

And I do mean,

All the provisions.


TexWisGirl said...

oh my dear! can't dream this stuff up! :)

Sue ~ Granny's World said...

Brilliant! How adventurous Joan, back on your bicycle, don't tell Peter

Buttons Thoughts said...

Very very cool. Love the provisions too:) Hug B

Nellie said...

How funny! It's good to know they will have everything they need!

doodles n daydreams said...

Sounds like you had fun and thank goodness the covered wagons turned up after all.


Cathy H. said...

What a fun story!! You brought a smile to my face this morning! I'd love to go through that tunnel!

cedarmerefarm said...

Is this for real?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

that post made me smile. Love the horse and wagon coming though the tunnel.

eileeninmd said...

Funny, I see you found the lady's wagons! I love the cool bridge! Great photos!

TexWisGirl said...

(thanks for linking!)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the outhouse. that is too funny!! love it!! ( :

i need to investigate this area ... we need to check it out. so cool. the hubby & i love a good hike. can you take your bike?

Roan said...

Too funny! They are indeed prepared!

EG CameraGirl said...

Tee hee! Some travelers take everything they need, that's for sure. :)

Lynne said...

Best "wake up smiling" ever . . .

CJ said...

That is a cool fence on the railroad bridge. And an interesting story, too.

Mary Hone said...

LOL. That must have been a surprise.

thecrazysheeplady said...

That's hilarious! :-D

Anonymous said...

"I lost my wagons!" That too would have had my interest. What a strange looking fence. It must served some purpose.

A Colorful World said...

Loved your fence, and the tunnel, etc. but the wagon story was just TOO MUCH! :-) She got the last laugh on you, that's for sure! :-)

Tanya Breese said...

lol that's a great post! poor thing, we all thought she was a bit kukoo!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How amazing! That is such a funny story...doesn't seem real! lol Have a great week! Hugs!

Rose said...

What a fun thing to happen...I love your last line I do mean all the provisions. I tell Roger sometimes that they need to put portapotties all along the highway...every 10 mile or so!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Loved the fence, photos, and the story!

Debby Ray said...

Oh I love this! That is too funny...so glad she found her stagecoach! Who would have thunk it?lol! Great post...and fences too :)