Friday, May 22, 2015

Sheep Shopping

We spent the day at a couple of different farms hoping to bring back a couple of these:
Or perhaps some of these:

We have Wells all to ourselves this weekend. So much fun.
But ended up coming home with this:
Husband spotted it roadside in between sheep farms with a for sale sign attached. And that was that.
There is going to be a huge payback.


TexWisGirl said...

laughing out LOUD!!!

Cathy H. said...

The sheep are cuter!! Buy, men must have they're toys!

Lynne said...

A huge smile and a giggle . . .
Sheep and goats to follow???

Sue ~ Granny's World said...

Love it typical man!

doodles n daydreams said...

That is the strangest sheep I have ever seen, haha.


thecrazysheeplady said...

Too funny :-D.

Those all look like nice sheep!

Leonora said...

You have a beautiful place in the valley! It's evident that your farm is a labor of love. I've enjoyed your musings and look forward to 'visiting' often : )

cedarmerefarm said...

HAHA!!! Didn't expect the ending.

Rose said...

Hahaha! I hope husband is happy...

Wells looks like such a sweetie...

Kathryn Ray said...

We have one of those.... It's a very useful tool. :-)