Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Knitting Season

(bag and yarn by Kate Davies Designs)

I have made the most of it. 

{New to me stitches and techniques in this MKAL by Lyrical Knits. Really fun and clever}. 
{this one deserves it's own post when it's completely finished}

A few projects to get done in the next month before 

the page turns to gardening season.

But first of course, it will be shearing season. 


Lynne said...

Beautiful . . . an artist.
The Celtic piece is gorgeous!

Debbie said...

you are so talented, it looks like you have made good use of the winter. the first project, cowl/scarf is gorgeous!!!

will gardening season ever return?!?!?!

Lynne said...

You've been quite busy. Those stitches are new to me, but like you said they look like fun. I've noticed that new stitches are being introduce all the time. The blue sweater is pretty. Is that a shawl your doing with the off white? Your sheep looks nice and warm with all his wool on. Take care !!

Buttons alias Grace said...

So beautiful. You are truly an artist. Hugs B

Lynne said...

I came looking for you . . .
Feels right and good to think of your fingers busy creating.
What a talent you are!

Buttons alias Grace said...


Retired Knitter said...

Hello. I am a new visitor and reader jumping over from The Irish Garden House and Lynne who suggested I check out your knitting! She is right. You are quite talented. The post landed on initially was a tribute to your husband - who is gone now. I am so so sorry. Is this a recent loss? Although I don't know you, my heart goes out to you. He appeared to be a wonderful soul from the picture.

Rose said...

I just read the post above this...I am so sorry for your loss.