Friday, August 10, 2012

Rain. Glorious Rain.

We've had several days of passing thunderstorms over the past 2 weeks. The wind damage to 
trees, fences, gutters and outdoor furniture has been well worth the re-greening of the grass and the hope for a fall garden.

What a difference water falling from the heavens has made in the landscape and the mood of the folks out here in the valley.

Especially mine.

After the most dismal garden harvest this summer, I have replanted a few veggies for the fall in hopes of a long cool autumn.

Hope with me.

To be able to harvest a few flowers again just can't help but brighten the spirits.

Hope you have a lovely weekend. 

~ Joan


TexWisGirl said...

sorry about the tree loss and damage, but i agree - the rain has got to be a godsend! :)

Cathy H. said...

Wasn't the rain wonderful! Even the little bit we got made me feel so much better. We've not lost trees to storm damage but to drought! I know we've lost one Oak and I've lost five azalea bushes, even though I'm watering those. Just too much hot sun! Love your images, especially the water puddle in the tree root and the beautiful flowers in your basket!!

Sue ~ Granny's World said...

pleased to see you got some rain, we at least have some sun, its been lovely here today and looks like the weekend will be good too. I think everyone is suffering on the garden front this year, it will be our worst ever. Plenty of courgette, no beans, no carrots, few beets, no sign of any squash, tomatoes just starting. Not checked on the potatoes only digging up will tell. Have a good weekend

Beth said...

I am happy you got some rain. It has been really spotty here. At least it is blissfully cool here today.

Debbie said...

oh i sure do know what you mean!! a few fresh veggies and some bright, colorful good for the soul!!

have an awesome weekend!!

doodles n daydreams said...

I love your photo's but particularly the fourth one - the landscape. The rain has certainly refreshed everything.


Jenny said...

Your photos of the mountains and flowers are beautiful. Glad you got some rain. xo Jenny