You all already know that it is hot, so I won't mention that.
I arrived back at the farm yesterday morning somewhat dreading the garden chores when my mother, her Ray and my 20something year old niece Amanda pulled up the drive way.
I could entertain them and put off the work until later.
Good Plan.
Amanda was the first to say that she wanted to pick some fresh veggies and learn how to garden.
So out into the heat we went.
Ma and Ray followed right along.
What would have taken me most of the day, was accomplished in a flash.
We came in, cooled down and replenished our bodies with water.
Next I got the canner out and prepared the jars, while Ma and Amanda sliced cucumbers for pickling .
All the while we were preparing lunch.
In the background, Ray was telling stories of how his parents gardened and preserved food.
My kitchen was the scene of 4 persons performing their tasks in perfect rhythm.
Generational support at it's very best.
A day not long ago. My daughter, grandson and mother.
Three generations enjoying work and laughter. |
After the clean up, it was splash time in the pool.
and then naps for all.
I thought of my husband and sons. Working in a non air-conditioned metal building in the family business started by their father/grandfather.
They would put in a 10 hour day in extreme heat conditions.
No dip in the pool.
No Nap.
I knew each would be looking out for the other and working in the best rhythm they could.
Generational support at it's best.
Stay cool my friends.
Enjoy the support of your families however it is offered be it with a hoe or glass of water,
coming together from various places for a beer and chat after work,
a call for advice or to brighten a one's day.
It all matters.