I could have watched the grandsons at their house just 12 minutes away from my city place while their mom went to the midwife to check on # 3, BUT...
Loading them in the car for the 2 hour drive to the farm for a sleepover was way more practical.
{Wink, wink.}
After garden inspection, watermelon counting, tomato plucking, pumpkin flower spotting,
bean tee pee playing,
giant Sunflower admiration,
okra harvesting, carrot digging,
pulling down just the right corn cobs for dinner, it was time to pick MORE cucumbers.
It is the year of the cukes for sure. You may remember
tomatopalooza from 2 years back and the
strawberry explosion last year. So interesting that different plants respond so differently to each seasons weather patterns. Mother Nature is definitely in charge of my best garden efforts.
Next came 52 jumps in the pool and 7 games of 'motorboat, motorboat',
a trip to the Train Depot in town to see the model railroad of our valley,
explaining what weaning the calves means in 2 and 4 year old language,
Zucchini muffin making,
Puzzles on the front porch,
sugar cookie decorating,
A fun little game the boys told me was called 'jump on Cullen,'
I did put a stop to that one. |
and they even helped me weed the Bee Garden.
It's filling in quite nicely for year one. Thank-you lots of rain. |
It's going to be a fun three years while they live near by.
Lucky me.