Thursday, November 17, 2011

Painted Luray

In small towns all across America, Walmart built it's big box on the outskirts of town and Main Street met it's decline. Preservationists, town planners, Chambers of Commerces and the like have struggled to revitalize their home streets with an array of projects.  Part of Luray's  Beautification endeavor comes in the form of Art. Paintings to be specific. They adorn the empty store front windows, the sides of buildings,

Under the railroad tresses,

The storm drains,

Sides of concrete walls,

and even the bridge supports for the highway bypass.

Some are whimsical, some reflect points of interest in the area. All are so fun to discover on walks about town.
Many were painted by artists, some by High school art classes, others by scout groups and individuals. Total community involvement. I love it.

Citizens and municipal organizations can do their part to beautify the streets and landscape, but it is up to us to promote, support and encourage small business along Main Street. I've been committed to this notion for some time now, but I must say it is so much easier to stay focused living in the country with so many less options glaring at us. Much more to share on the subject down the road, but right now I'm headed to town.


farmerinthemaking said...

Love it! So is their a little shop where we could open up and sell our crafting wares?

Nancy said...

We are getting a Walmart next year. I realize it will be the death nell for many of our small Main Street shops. But what can you do?

Love these murals all around your town.

Allison said...

A great idea! That makes the town look so loved. I'll meet you at the locally run coffee shop in about 15! :)